The new WhatsApp for Windows is synced with the WhatsApp on your mobile device via the QR code that offers the top-notch security to the WhatsApp users and ensures that the messages you send will only be sent to your contacts. You will be able to chat with your contacts on the smartphone, chat within your already linked groups, see the statuses of your contacts and call them when you need. The best part of the WhatsApp for windows app is that it offers the similar User Interface that the WhatsApp on your smartphone has got. This means you will never miss any message or group conversation on your mobile while having the WhatsApp desktop app. According to the company, “Like WhatsApp Web, our desktop app is simply an extension of your phone: the app mirrors conversations and messages from your mobile device”.
The app is almost similar to the app that you might be using on your smartphone and offers tons of features that you want for chatting and staying connected on the go.
Staying connected with friends and family via WhatsApp has become more convenient because the Facebook-owned company released the WhatsApp app for desktop as well.